Author: Anthony Rogers

A new season and a new race report from Joe Bishop

We are very pleased to see the return of cycle racing in the new season and also the return of Joe Bishops colourful and informing reports. For those of you short of time Joe’s reports are the easiest way to stay abreast of what is happening in international road cycle sport. Continental Race Report: The Tour…
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Bid for an ‘old school’ road bike

We have a road bike for sale which is an ‘old school’ road racing bike which would be great for a university student, or a fast shopping bike etc. The bike is not ancient, probably 1980s, but old enough to ride in the Strada Bianchi rides for vintage bikes. It belongs to a past member of the…
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PPYCC ride Lee Valley Velodrome

Members and coaches of PPYCC visited Lee Valley Velodrome two days before Christmas.

Riders needed for Preston Park training session

Anthony needs a small group of riders to take part in a Coach Assessment training session at Preston Park track on Thursday 31st December from 10.30 – 12.00. You need to be part of the Outer Ring and capable of riding competently in a group. This will be a road bike session. If you are…
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Today’s roller session is cancelled

Today’s roller session is cancelled. Low numbers suggesting that Christmas shopping is in full swing.

Sign up for Roller/Turbo on Saturday

Riders wanting to take part in this week’s roller session on Saturday at 4pm, at the Cricket Pavilion should sign up to the session in advance to guarantee it takes place. Please email Mark at by Friday evening 19.00 to book your place. You may turn up on the day but this does not…
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Lee Valley Velodrome booking – rapid reply needed by Monday 7th December at 13.00

Hi Folks, We have the option of a booking for Lee Valley Velodrome session on the 23rd December from 11.30 to 13.30 and expect to charge £20 for the experience. However we need an indicative ‘show of hands’ by email return by anyone who thinks they would join in the session. Otherwise we will cancel…
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A few places remain for next Saturday’s visit to Calshot velodrome

Both Novice and Intermediate rider sessions have a few places left for next week’s Calshot velodrome visit. See the Activities section of our website to book.

Roller and turbo training starts today!!!!!

Roller and turbo training has been under-promoted but in any case starts today and continues with the dates and coaches further below. Enquiries about the session can be sent to Arrive at 16.00 to set up for a 16.15 start, the session will run until 17.15 allowing 15 minutes for packing up the pavilion.…
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PPYCC winter riding continues …..

Weather forecasts suggest that winter starts proper tomorrow with Arctic winds and possibly snow in places. PPYCC coaches are marking the onset of winter with their own ride, all tempted by the promise of buns. Older riders, friends and parents  continue with Sunday road rides and some riders are even continuing to race. Training opportunities…
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