
We need your help to inspire the next generation of cyclists.

As a Go-Ride Club we provide coaching and racing opportunities for young people. The club is run entirely by volunteers and we are always looking for more! There is no prior experience needed and we will make sure that we provide you with the necessary support and resources. Whatever your background and skills, and whether you can spare an hour or an afternoon, there’s a role for you.


You don’t need to be an experienced cyclist to become a coach. British Cycling’s coach education programme provides an introductory Level 1 course with a flexible pathway of progression for coaches through levels 2 and 3. PPYCC can usually help with the cost of coaching courses (subject to demand) and we would love to bring on one or two Level 1 coaches every season if we can. A great way to start is to become a regular volunteer helper on Saturday morning sessions in order to get a feel for the what the coaches do and how sessions are planned and run.


PPYCC aim to run a number of open events every season that attract riders from across the region. Typically these would be an Omnium event in spring/summer and a Cyclo-Cross event in the Autumn. These require a large number of helpers but are well worth the effort, as the money raised from entry fees means we can keep club membership fees down and replenish coaching equipment and loan bikes.

Roles typically required for events include:

Event organiser

Marketing and communications

Poster design and printing


Lap counting

First aid

Signing in

Bike and gear checking

Club management

The club commitee consists entirely of volunteers with the roles filled at the club AGM each year. If you would like to take on a committee role please contact the club chair.

There are many other roles required for general club management that might be a good match for your skills:

Website/IT maintenance

Website content management

Monthly roundup of member racing results

Monthly roundup of upcoming youth cycling events

Club fundraising

Volunteer co-ordination

Administration of bike and equipment loans

Maintenance of returned loan bikes

Club sessions

Saturday mornings are always busy for the team, especially if we only have 2 or 3 coaches available, in which case any assistance in setting up activities, sweeping the track, etc is always greatly appreciated.

Saturday morning registration / sign-on

Coaching assistants

Weekly coach and volunteer rota organisation

Track sweeping / lap counting as needed on the day


Consider your interests, skills and strengths and what you might be able to offer, don’t worry if you have no previous experience of volunteering or cycling, everyone starts somewhere! Whether it’s 10 minutes or 10 hours, we will always welcome an extra pair of hands. Some roles will require DBS clearance or First Aid certificates but many just require enthusiasm and a willingness to get stuck in! If you’re interested, please contact one of our team to discuss how you could volunteer with PPYCC.