Author: Anthony Rogers

More for sale [bike rack]

Bikerack For sale a tow bar bike rack from Thule which folds flat and carries three bikes with a lockable connection to the tow bar. £30  [N.B. I have just noted that the instructions in the photo are not the right ones. As a note if you can tie your laces you can probably operate this rack].…
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Road/cross bike for sale

Ben Tucker has grown out of his Dawes Espoir 26 inch wheel. Merv Tucker says “We bought it last September and have taken good care and would like to sell it for Aprox £200. The Bar tape needs replacing and this will be done before we sell it on. Please see the description from the web.” Further…
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Coming up in September

Thursday 1st September: Road ride leaving Preston Park at 5pm Saturday 3rd September: Normal session 9 – 11 [track bikes if weather good] and 10.00 – 12.00. Saturday 10th September:  SE Track champs, enter in advance on-line [to save some money] or on the day. Youth C through to adult. Come and cheer on if…
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Just as you forgot about it club kit arrived

Club kit has arrived, and not without an ear or two being bent at the suppliers. It is at Anthony’s house and can be collected tomorrow [Sunday 21st August, at Mildenhall or on 3rd September at the track]. You can just call at 419b Ditchling Road, BN1 6XB from 09.00 tomorrow onwards. Anthony is at…
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We are at the Little Dog mtb race on Saturday 20th.

We have previously notified about attending the Little Dog races at Stanmer tomorrow. There is nothing formal organised we would be pleased to see our members join in the fun by racing, marshalling or spectating. Just turn up before 08.30 to do the first two, or a little later to spectate. Unfortunately our calendar did…
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Road ride this Thursday 18th August

There will be a road ride leaving Preston Park at 14.30 on Thursday. The ride will be led by Anthony and if Josh Fanner is there we will follow the route he planned for two weeks ago. Don’t forget to check the equipment list in the FAQ section as I will be checking. If the…
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Discounted cycle kit and training roller order

One of our coaches, Anthony Rogers, is starting a retail cycle business called ‘True Wheels.’ The business is focused on high quality and affordable hand built wheels but is able to source most cycle products that you see in your local shop. In the future there will be a website but for now this is…
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Train to be a cycle coach [over 18s only]

Preston Park Youth Cycle Club has funding of £1000 from the Co-op for training cycle coaches. We are trying to gain further funding but this won’t happen timely in relation to the course that has become available at East Grinstead: South East Region (East Grinstead, West Sussex) Reference number 341 10-11 Sept & 3 Dec…
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Today's ride is cancelled

I am sorry to confirm that today’s bike ride is cancelled due to the weather. I will be on holiday next week so there will be no organised article writers needed ride. Some of our older members may wish to meet and ride independently? Anthony

Coming up this Saturday 6th August

This Saturday we have Go Ride racing which is racing for beginners. Anyone who does not race regularly can take part in this, for other riders you can enter separate races or help out. The track is open from 09.30 and racing starts at 10.30. There will only be racing, none of the usual coaching.…
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