Author: Anthony Rogers

Chris Hoy is visiting Preston Park velodrome on Tuesday 27 May

We received this message today just in time for the school holidays “Hi, sorry for the impromptu email but I wanted to let you know that Sir Chris Hoy is visiting Brighton next Tuesday. He’ll be meeting and riding with fans as part of the HOY Tour, launching his new range of kid’s bikes.. There’s…
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Hove Park youth racing is on this Friday

A message from Ben Miller to Brighton Excelsior members. If any of our club are able to help then please tell ben on the night. There will be no youth track coaching at Preston Park on this night. Ben says: This Friday is the first of our youth Hove Park events for this year, sign…
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Here are the results and standards for our Distance Challenge event two weeks ago

Preston Park YCC Distance Challenge Go Ride Racing Event May 2014 Name Age Cat 03/05/2014 Standards James Postle U10 8.59 [6 laps] Platinum Dylan Hicks U10 14.01 1st Boy Gold Archie Raynard U10 15.18 3rd Boy Silver Tom Martin U10 15.18 3rd Boy Bronze Guy Honey U10 15.36 Adhi Jawahar U10 15.39 U8 6 laps…
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Race success for PPYCC members Jojo Martin and Charlotte Matthews

Jojo tackled the East Grinstead Triathlon on Sunday – the first round of the South East triathlon series and he did the club proud by coming home first of seventy based on a really strong bike leg. He beat some good athletes and  he’s particularly happy as, after racing at Cyclopark in Kent, he had…
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Good luck to PPYCC riders at the SE Youth Omnium in Welwyn

Good luck to PPYCC riders at the SE Youth Omnium in Welwyn Olivia Chadwick, Izzy Stone, Noah Ridgway-Brown, Georgina Burnett, Sam Buchannan, Rahul Fortescue Talwar, Freddie Newman and Samuel Jaques. Look out for how they got on later this weekend.  

Good luck to our members racing at the Welwyn Omnium on Saturday [and 10.30 group session details]

Many of our riders will be at the Welwyn Track Omnium on Saturday, the first of  this season’s SE series. To recognise their commitment we will be looking at the omnium format in our session. So starts, sprints, pursuits and, of course, bunch races. Track bikes for this session.

For those that like gardening as well as cycling

PRESS RELEASE   Orla Lambe, mother of member Holly, has told us of this appealing event to celebrate cycling and gardening. Handlebar Gardens, combining bikes and plants as part of Chelsea Fringe Brighton. As part of this year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show, the fringe festival has been extended to include Brighton and beyond (Bristol and even Vienna!).…
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Road ride this Sunday

We will run a club ride this Sunday [11th May], leaving Preston Park at 10.00 returning for 12.30 led by Anthony. The route will be a variation of the winter route to Barcombe, including some roads we did not use this winter. Make sure you are properly equipped including club kit, so that we have…
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Racing opportunities in the next month [Hove Park, Cyclo Park and Eastbourne Cycle Festival]

News about Hove Park racing from Ben Miller of Brighton Excelsior Hello, Firstly, my apologies for this years events. This year with extra cycling races, weekend promotions, B&H council events, personal events and the Tour all but a few, I have been struggling over the past few months to get some dates down. I have…
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Saturday’s session – Go Ride Racing special timings. Sunday road ride

This week with our Go Ride Racing session we have special timings for each age group. Please check your start time below. Younger riders, Youth A, B, C, will be offered additional activities after their race but may finish at a time slightly earlier or later than usual. Click here for more details and to…
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