Author: Anthony Rogers

Please complete this short survey about Preston Park cycle track

  We ask our members to help out with the Save Preston Park Cycle Track campaign by completing the 3 question survey from the link below. Thanks Please take the survey “PRESTON PARK VELODROME – INCREASE UTILISATION OF VELODROME”. Your feedback is important!    

Continental Race Report: Giro d’Italia

Continental Race Report: Giro d’Italia Joe Bishop The organisers of the Giro d’Italia claim it to be ‘The toughest race in the world’s most beautiful place’. I’m sure both Tour de France fanatics and those who love the Spring classics would disagree with the first part of this statement, but in regards to the second…
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Friday night training and Saturday club session

Friday night track training continues tomorrow from 18.30 at Preston Park, all who ride fixed, or wish to learn to ride fixed, are welcome – youth and adult alike. Saturday from 10.30 we will be focusing on sprints and looking at the British Cycling standards for 50 metre TT sprints. The weather looks a bit…
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Preston Park 1 lap All Time

The link here shows Preston Park 1 lap All Time best times from 2008 to present. Recorded by our coaches for 1 lap of Preston Park cycle track. This has been updated with the times from last Saturday’s session, the 29th May.

Race reports from the last week

We are fully into the cycle racing season now, though it does not necessarily feel like it at Preston Park yet. Even youth racing is in part determined by the international racing calendar; our track omnium is part of a sequence of events which lead to youth and then senior national championships and eventually the Worlds.…
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Friday and Saturday sessions for Outer Ring 27th and 28th May

With fine weather now and hopefully for tomorrow morning we are pleased to announce that this evening’s track session at 1830 will continue with the theme of bunch racing, focusing on attacks and catches. Tomorrow morning we will be focusing on sprint format including starts, a timed lap, match sprints and keirin. May we remind…
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Penny Farthing at Preston Park

It was great to see member Imogen Gifford’s father Richard practicing his newly acquired penny farthing at the track after our Outer Ring session yesterday. Although it is possible to buy a newly built penny farthing Richard’s is an original and still belong’s to his elderly uncle; though being in his 80s he has kindly…
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Outer ring today – road bikes

With the slow rate of ground drying we are going to commit to a road bike session today. SCRL Track Accreditation  If anyone is wishing to complete their accreditation for racing on Wednesday then we will run some activities which mimic the formats of track racing to allow this to happen. Other opportunities for completing SCRL…
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Catching up with old news 4 Riding at the iconic Paris-Roubaix by Joseph Martin

We are really pleased to receive your stories of races and rides that have inspired you no matter how short or long, it your experience that makes the story interesting more so than the size of the event itself. Here we have a story written by member Joseph Martin who visited the Paris Roubaix race.…
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Catching up with old news 3 National Series Race at Hetton-Le-Hole

Both Freddie Newman and Lloyd Costello competed in the first stage of the National Youth Series at Hetton – Le – Hole in Tyne and Wear on Sunday 17th April. The start was delayed by one and a half hours which did not help with the pre-ride nerves but both riders rode really well.  The pack…
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