PPYCC would like to invite all our members to our AGM………This year promises to be the best yet! The AGM and Prize Giving are to be held from 4.30pm on Saturday 23rd November 2019, at Knoyle Hall, Knoyle Road, Brighton, BN1 6RB
Following brief official club items, we look forward to lots of fun and celebration of all our rider’s achievements over the year.
This year, along with prize giving for Club Championships, Club Order of Merit, Most Improved Riders and Coaches awards, amongst others, we will also be awarding all riders who have taken part in the club’s distance challenges/10 mile TT this season with certificates detailing their most successful rides awarded against British Cycling’s medal standards for youth riders.
There will also be team based challenges for everyone (start getting your teams together now, or join in on the day!) Think of unicycles, cylcing quizzes, folding Bromptons and pedalling challenges to test the best!! Prizes for the winners.
Traditionally we also host the opportunity to sell/swap/donate your outgrown/upgraded kit, bring your items with you and add your price or donate it to the bike jumble!
We also welcome any cake donations for the AGM, all monies raised go straight to the club, please bring with you on day!
Lastly, if anyone would like to volunteer to help set up (from 3pm) or clear up afterwards, please email me at chair@ppycc.org.uk.
Many thanks, we look forward to seeing everyone there this weekend, apart from a fantastic celebration, it is a great opportunity to catch up with all your cycling friends!