With the Club Champs just passed, and the end of October in sight, we can see our season end approaching. For racing cyclists, riding normally resumes after a short break but for volunteers there may be some down time in sight. Club sessions end with the month of October to be followed by our AGM and prize giving, on Saturday 23rd November at 15.30, where we have a last chance in 2019 to all get together.
Prior to that there are three club sessions and then our finale, in racing terms, as we host our annual cycle-cross race as part of the London League series. This is one of our major events and we rely, as ever, on volunteers and so this is an incentivised cry for help.
What we need and what we can give: Any member who can commit to helping for two or more of the four volunteering slots will receive a pair of solar bike lights which weigh only 12 grams. [I keep these on my bike to ensure I always have a set of back up lights ready to go], you can even chose the colour to match your bike (see spec below). Anyone who can commit for the day will also receive a voucher for lunch and a drink from a choice of the French Revolution Creperie , Coops Coffee or our own Infinity Foods stall.
How to volunteer: refer to the schedule below and either send an email with your availability to anthony@ppycc.org.uk or directly enter yourself into the linked spreadsheet.
If you are an inner ring rider we advise that you have a parent or older sibling to accompany you, if Outer Ring why not sign up with a friend. You are welcome to race too, so you can make a full day of it.

- Li-ion Polymer battery 70 mAh
- Solar panel tops up the battery during daylight
- Up to 8 hours runtime on a full charge
- Only 12g!
- Tool free fitting