Many Inner-ring riders are now very close to completing their Level 1 Certificate and some riders are close to completing their Level 2 Certificate.
With only 2 more weeks to go to our AGM and the Club Championships behind us, I’ll be concentrating on getting as many riders through their certificates as possible. We’ll be having a catch-up session on the 16th of October, this is one session not to miss if you’ve only got 4 or less skills to sign off for your next level certificate.
You’re Rider Passport should have details of how close you are to your next certificate level but don’t worry if it’s not up to date. All riders’ records are kept independently even if you’ve not brought your passport along for a while. If you are a new Inner-ring rider that has not been issued with a passport, just ask Andy, Daisy, or myself at the sign-on desk.

The first round of certificates have already been issued earlier this year and the next round will be issued at our AGM in October.