Outer Ring on Saturday 3rd is track bikes only

This Saturday and next (3rd and 10th April) are your opportunity to ride track bikes, either because you need to complete Accreditation as you are interested in track racing in the Wednesday Track League (starting Wednesday 14th April) or, just because you are up for some fun and a new experience. This is also for those that have previously raced Track League.

Outer Ring, and Inner Ring riders who wish accreditation, and those just coming for the ride, should arrive before 10.00 on Saturday to collect their allocated track bike, members and parents are not allowed in the containers under our current Covid operations, loan bikes will need sanitising by riders at the start and end of their session. If you already have accreditation then this session will also involve you and we need you to turn up and ride to help those new to track.

The aim of the accreditation process is to ensure the safety of the rider and others taking part in the races. You can read more about the criteria in this document from the Sussex Cycle Racing League (SCRL) website. All riders should be aware of these fundamentals and ensure that they adhere to them when racing. The league retains the right to request any rider racing in the league to cease racing and retake their accreditation if they are judged to be a danger to themselves or other riders.

IR riders who want to do track league can either stay for both the IR and the OR sessions, or just attend OR for the first 2 weeks to get accredited, you need only pay one set of session fees if staying for both sessions. This session is intended to be accessible to all riders who enjoy riding their bike, whether interested in racing or not.

There is more information we can share with you but we will release it later in the week to avoid bombarding members and parents with too much information.