Author: Anthony Rogers

PPYCC travel to Hampshire for our Saturday 25th June session

Saturday 25th June: British Schools Cycling Association National Hill Climb near Petersfield. There will not be a  club session on this day. If you wish to enter the race, in the hope of becoming national champion, then you can get an entry form here BSCA entry form. There are categories down to under 8 but you…
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Omnium 2011 Results

See here the Omnium Results 2011 and photos from Pauline English and Sally Page via our Face book page. With everyones help, and especially the catering, we were able to award prizes above the recommended value and make a donation to PPYCC for £220.

Turbo trainer for sale

Whilst Charlie and Anthony were watching Andy in the Lewes Crits race last Thursday evening they chatted to a spectator who had a virtually unused turbo trainer for sale. It is a ‘Cycle ops fluid 2 turbo trainer’. He wants £100 and his name is Simon. 07876522747. He lives near the Roebuck pub in the…
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Omnium Programme 2011

Use this link for a copy of the 2011 Omnium Programme 2011.

We need your cakes [and other support] for the Omnium

Another reminder that we would be grateful for any home baking products to sell at our omnium next Saturday. If you have anything to offer please let me know and bring it down on the day.

Regional School of Racing MTB Opportunity for Youth B and A riders

Please see the message below from John Scripps; if you are interested in this then contact Anthony by email who will put your request to John. I am writing to remind you that nominations are now open for the Regional School of Racing on Saturday 18th June , at Queen Elizabeth country park, near Petersfield. This…
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Preston Park Youth Omnium

We have had a fantastic club entry into our omnium [see below]. Any last minute entries can come from our club members, and members of VCJ, by next Wednesday 1st June, though entry is closed for others. If you wish to take part send an email immediately to with your British Cycling number, Date…
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Worn out from pumping tyres?

Most of our members will not have a track pump at home but why not change that? Reduced from £65 to £25 this track pump will keep all your tyres inflated and will last for life. The bike shop standard; with the Rennkompressor a pump is for life not just for christmas. [Only 15 left]  

Coming up this Saturday 28th May

Regular session split 09.00 and 10.00 starts. Track bikes weather permitting.

Update for June [Hove Park races]

We missed the next Hove Park event on our original June update Hove Park Youth Circuit Races 20113rd June (Go-Ride Interclub) | 1st July | 5th Augustage category races start from 6.30pmBring: road worthy bike, helmet, gloves, race entry, BC licence (if you have) or parents/guardian for parental consent, drink.Hove Park, Goldstone Crescent, Hove, BN3 7BF (North end of…
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