Regional School of Racing MTB Opportunity for Youth B and A riders

Please see the message below from John Scripps; if you are interested in this then contact Anthony by email who will put your request to John.

I am writing to remind you that nominations are now open for the Regional School of Racing on Saturday 18th June , at Queen Elizabeth country park, near Petersfield. This session is a progression from RSR 1 (which includes the session at Mary Hare school next week), which looked at the core skills such as manual lifts, powered wheel lifts, bunny hops, pumping and rear wheel lifts. The session provided riders with the tools to go away and practice the skills, to come back to the second RSR showing improvement. The second RSR will recap on the skills in a non trail specific environment, before showing riders the application of the core skills on MTB specific areas. Nominations close on Friday 3rd June 2011. Please note, that as next week is half term, 

Look forward to hearing from you soon,

Kind Regards,
