Author: Anthony Rogers

Rider report from Izzy Stone

Izzy has recently attended another RSR and also competed in two of the three SE Regional Youth Omniums. She tells us about her experiences below with accounts which are really helpful for budding competitive riders. My RSR write up: On the 29th of May I attended the 3rd RSR of the circuit series. It was…
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The youth Omnium at PPYCC this Saturday

This Saturday is our big race promotion which is the 3rd and final round of the SE Youth Omnium series with the top 5 in each category being eligible for entry to the National Final. Currently PPYCC member Noah Ridgway Brown leads his category and we have seen strong racing at the previous rounds from…
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Session for 10.30 group Saturday 7th

Given the forecast for tomorrow morning we will make the session road bikes and ask you to come prepared to ride in the rain.

Extra team youth track event on June 29th

Hi, if you would like to take part in the Herne Hill Youth Team track event on Sunday 29th June then please let Anthony have your name by Friday 13th June. See the poster for a little more info, or ask Anthony.

If you like cycling and you like poetry then read on …..

Quick – while they’re still available – not many left – Spokes – Poetry on Two Wheels An Anthology of poems about bicycles and cycling in celebration of the Tour de France Grand Depart coming to Yorkshire!  Available now. Get it here:

News from the Herne Hill youth omnium

At Herne Hill on Sunday there was some brilliant riding from all the PPYCC riders with Noah coming second in the Youth B boys [despite feeling under the weather]. In the Youth C event Rahul Fortescue Talwar and Freddie Newman were particularly pleased with their improvement after the Welwyn Omnium, with Rahul coming 5th, and…
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Minimal commitment needed: PPYCC needs a new CWO [Child Welfare Officer]

We need a new CWO to support our existing CWO, Neil. The commitment involves attending a 3 hour course, maintaining a general interest in the activity of the club and being prepared to pass on any concerns to the National Governing Body, should any arise. The role does not commit you to attend any meetings…
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PPYCC report and results from the North West Tour

Jojo Martin took part in one of the major youth races of the year when he visited Blackpool for the multi-stage North West Tour. He has written a full report with photos which can be read using this link “Jojo Martins REPORT ON THE NORTH-WEST TOUR.” This is a great read and if you wish…
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PPYCC naming competition

We have a choice of heart rate monitor watch, or cycling T shirt, to give away as prizes for a naming competition. Competition 1: Currently we have two club sessions on a Saturday morning called Earlier group and Later group. We would like better names, cycling related for these groups. Your names might reflect the…
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PPYCC – get baking

PPYCC Omnium – Get Baking Call-out Hi I will be co-ordinating the catering for the Omnium on 14th June Can I ask if any parents, grandparents or other random family members or friends can help out covering the catering tent on the day – if you can spare an hr or two that would be…
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