Author: Anthony Rogers

Preston Park track to be reinstated – report

If you did not hear the news after last week’s council meeting to decide the future of Preston Park track then here it is: Brighton and Hove Economic Development and Culture Committee met at the Jubilee Library on Thursday 17th September to decide, amongst other business, whether to pursue renovating Preston Park Cycle Track to…
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Member Adam Churchill reports from the GHS National Time Trial Final

Congratulations to Adam on his efforts in the GHS National Final. In only his second time trial he showed considerable aptitude for the event and is to be commended on his time of 27.08 for a windy 10 miles. “Last weekend I took part in the GHS National final held in Hertfordshire. The event was…
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Outer Ring

This Saturday, 19th September, the Outer Ring will be doing all the usual type of activities, only we will spend the whole session riding clockwise.

Hill climb races this October

Below are local hill climb races. These races are run under the rules of CTT [Cycling Time Trials] of which PPYCC are members. Race are open to 12 years and over but riders under 18 years need to submit a Parental Permission Form when they turn up to a club event. All riders need to pre-enter…
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Joe Bishop’s race report

We invited club member Joe Bishop, who is a keen follower of pro bike racing, to write us some race reports. Here is his first, and if you missed the Vuelta Espana, or you can’t remember after 3 weeks who won which stage then read on for a fluent and memorable summary of the race.…
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Outer ring session Saturday 12th September

Outer Ring Riders With the club circuit championships at Cyclopark less than a month away we will continue to develop our circuit racing skills. Please note that at the AGM in November some award categories will be based on the racing at this event. One theme of the session will be ‘starts.’ Check your shoes and…
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Sunday road ride

Sunday road rides continue on Sunday 6th for riders 12 and older (with parental permission) . Parents are encouraged to come along. Meet at the track ready to leave at 10.00am for a two hour ride though note that we commonly return by 12.30. There will be no charge  but the nature of these rides is that a higher level of self-sufficiency…
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Help needed for Save the Track ride on Saturday

Save the Track help required We need marshals to help increase the safety of those taking part in the Save the Track ride from Steine Gardens to Preston Park Track, this Saturday the 5th. Duties are simple but help is essential. You can still take part in the ride but will be allocated appropriate High Vis…
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Enter now the Brighton VeloCity races

We have had a few replies to our request for help at the racing below, but would welcome more. The races for youths run over a period of 90 minutes and so volunteers will be needed for about 2 hours. We have had many club members enter the races and hope that many more will…
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SE MTB series race for youth riders in Kent September 6th

Hi all Just to confirm that we will be running a ranking MTB event at PORC on Sunday 6th Sept. This event will consist of the usual MudSweat&Gears offer of coaching and racing for U12’s and U9’s along with XCO races for all categories. for race details,-Sweat-and-Gears-South-East-XC-Race Thanks Kind regards Matt Ewings