PPYCC has a richness of rider talent that the club continues to support through a variety of ways, including training, coaching and loan of available resources and equipment.
Disc wheels
Whilst some of the club’s equipment is available for all riders to request and use, including road and track bikes, and track specific wheels, there is some equipment, notably rear track disc wheels, which British Cycling regulations specify is only able to be used by Youth A riders.
The club own 3 rear disc wheels, available to loan to riders who have shown consistent commitment and results within the discipline. Unfortunately the club does not have the financial resources necessary with which to enable all riders to access this equipment in the current and future cohort of Youth A riders. On this note, PPYCC would be very happy to open discussions with any individuals or businesses who would be interested in sponsoring equipment purchases for the club, including items, such as disc wheels, which carry the Sponsor’s livery.
PPYCC have agreed a fair list of priorities to determine which riders may be successful in obtaining a loan of a disc wheel, if desired, based on rider’s performances and commitment. The list is in reducing order or priority, with uppermost priorities taking precedence over lower ones, for example, a 1st year Youth A rider who has has an invitation to track RSR will automatically take precedence over a rider who is 2nd year Youth A without an RSR invite.
- Youth A
- Track RSR invitation in the winter preceding the current season
- Riders with the highest finishing places within the preceding year’s track season, with national results taking precedence over regional results where applicable.
- Have shown continued commitment to the discipline, e.g. attaining indoor track accreditation, participation in track events and leagues such as London Youth Track League, National Track Series or Winter Icebreakers Series.
- 2nd year Youth A
- Current year National ranking in Road and Track
In addition, as PPYCC would like to be able to support past members of the club, disc wheels are also available for past PPYCC riders in their Junior Years of racing (16-18 yrs) on an ad hoc basis, and only if there is no request/need by Youth riders to use these wheels at a concurrent time.
Should the wheels get damaged within a race situation, the club will absorb the cost of repair or replacement. The wheels will be on loan to each rider at each race, and returned to club care when not in use. However, riders are expected to look after the wheels whilst they are in their care, and individual riders will be liable for any damage caused outside of a race scenario.