Westminster University children’s cycling during lockdown survey

We have received a request from Katy Rodda who is a local cycling mum, cycling activist and academic researcher.

Katy hopes that you may be interested in completing this survey which investigates children’s cycling experience during the lockdown and we encourage you to complete it.

Please note that this survey is only for parents or carers of children from nursery to age 16 years. “

Katy would also be grateful for you sharing the survey as widely as you can with anyone at all with children of 16 and under who may have cycled with them, or whose older children may be permitted to cycle alone. 

The survey is part of her research into cycling with children. It is known that traffic-free routes are ideal, but there are other types of route that people may have used in the last few months and she is trying to nail what contextual details might make those other routes acceptable, and what makes them unacceptable. 

It’s best on a laptop, but you can do it on a phone if you like.

And… **Prize draw for £50 Book tokens**

Survey web address: https://wminarchandcities.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4I8l0mM2M17mjRz