What we need and what you can get: We need around 30 volunteers to help at our Cycle-Cross race. Any helper who can commit to helping for two or more of the four volunteering slots will receive a pair of solar bike lights which weigh only 12 grams. Great for keeping these on your bike to ensure you always have a set of back up lights ready to go; you can even chose a colour to match your bike (see spec below). Anyone who can commit for the day will also receive a voucher for lunch and a drink from a choice of the French Revolution Creperie , Coops Coffee or our own Infinity Foods stall.
How to volunteer: refer to the schedule below and either send an email with your availability to anthony@ppycc.org.uk or directly enter yourself into the linked spreadsheet.
If you are an inner ring rider we advise that you have a parent or older sibling to accompany you, if Outer Ring why not sign up with a friend. You are welcome to race too, so you can make a full day of it.