We are hoping to run more track bike sessions this weekend if it remains dry. Look out for an announcement by 8am Saturday if it’s too wet for track riding.
Inner ring
All Inner Ring riders should turn up as normal at 8.45am with their regular bike. As last weekend, one of the three Inner Ring groups will use the club’s track bikes under the guidance of a specialist track coach, while the remaining riders will do activities on their normal bikes for the session.
Inner Ring track bikes will be setup with flat pedals and toe clips with straps, no pedal changes will be allowed so please bring trainers along if you use clipless pedals on your road bike.
NOTE: Riders who are aged 11 or above and who raced at track league last season are welcome to attend the Outer Ring track session at 10.30 instead, to get a full 90 minute session of track drills and coach-led racing. Riders aged 10 or younger who raced track league are welcome to join the accreditation session where we can use them to demo skills and set the pace.
Outer ring
Outer Ring riders should turn up from 10am if they need to borrow a track bike and are welcome to swap pedals if they arrive early enough. Those who have their own track bike, please bring it along.
Completing track accreditation
All new track riders who have completed two track sessions will be assessed by our track coaches. If they have passed accreditation then they are welcome to sign up for the SCRL Wednesday track league starting later this month.
Track bike season loans
PPYCC has track bikes in three wheel sizes: 24 inch, 650C and 700C.
We have plenty of 650C and 700C bikes so once you have completed accreditation, if you are planning to race SCRL weekly then you can take a bike home for the season. This will save time with bike fits each week. Please do NOT ask for a track bike loan unless you are planning to race most weeks at track league.
We only have a few 24 inch bikes though, so the 24″ bikes are NOT available to loan and need to be kept at the track and used by whoever needs them.
As usual, no charge applies for bike loans but you are responsible for general maintenance of the bike and keeping it in good working order, replacing consumables like bar tape, chain and tyres when needed.
Weather dependent
Track cycling is weather dependent at Preston Park, so if the conditions are very damp or wet, we cannot use track bikes and an update will be posted on the website prior to the session, 8am on the day at latest. Therefore please do check the website for the latest information on the morning before leaving for the session.