British Cycling guidelines on Covid
Following the ‘Rule of 6’ government announcements last week it has been confirmed by British Cycling that there is no change to the existing guidelines for outdoor coached activities that BC-affiliated cycle clubs are already following. However given that things are heading downhill again nationwide and back-to-school bugs are starting to circulate, we need to remain extra-vigilant. If you are displaying any Covid symptoms such as a persistent cough or temperature then please do not attend Saturday sessions. After each session, the coaching team will ask riders to exit via the gates by the shipping containers to avoid people congregating at the main entrance gate.
Check your bikes over
Remember there is still no toolkit / trackpump sharing for the time being, so please ensure bikes are checked beforehand and tyres are pumped up.
Road bikes for Outer Ring
As per the message a week ago, Outer Ring is on road bikes until after the club championships. Weather permitting, we will be on track bikes from 10th October.
Use the card reader if you can
Over half of our Saturday takings are now using the cashless reader. You can still drop correct change into the cash tin if you like, but cashless suits us better as apart from Covid/virus protection it means fewer trips to the bank!
Kit sales
Remember that we now have a sample of jersey sizes at the track in the sign-on shed, we still cannot allow anyone to try things on due to Covid, but you are very welcome to view the sizes. For purchases please contact Ian Baynes via
Club championships and restricted gears
Don’t forget October 3rd is the club championships. As the racing is being run under British Cycling regulations, riders will need to use the British Cycling gear restrictions that apply to their age group. It’s worth adjusting your gears this week so that you can do a few final Saturday sessions on your age-restricted gear to get used to it. If you’d like more information on how to setup gears for your age group please see the official British Cycling guidance, or ask any of our coaches over the next few weeks on Saturday mornings.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!