Noah Ridgway Brown took part in the winter track season RSR last weekend and new nominations are needed by Monday 28th for the next of these. If you fulfill the criteria previously posted for RSR 1 then please put yourself forward by email to Anthony.
John Scripps, regional talent manager tells us that at RSR 1 “we had a very successful first weekend of RSRs at Newport. Looking at Flying 200m/Lap and Keirin during the session, and Getting aerodynamic during the workshop. A big thank you to those of you that came along to the session. We took some pictures of the riders in the aero position, and have some video of the riders during the track session. Due to time restrictions on the Saturday session, riders didn’t get the chance to practice taking wheels out, chainring off, and sprocket off (and then all back on again!), so if you can help the riders with some practice with this before RSR2 that would be great for their preparation for the session. Please find attached Getting Aerodynamic 2013, which I didn’t get the chance to send out last week.”
Please can I have nominations for RSR 2 which are taking place on Saturday 16th November for South West, Central and Eastern regions, and Sunday 17th November for South & South East regions, and Wales. The session will cover the topic of Match Sprint, but in nuts and bolts form will be looking at using space to race, observation and gap rushing skills, which is beneficial to all riders – sprint or endurance focused. The workshop will be looking at the rules and tactics of sprint, in a quiz form, as well as taking another look at track bike gear changing, and the aero position.