Roll up, Rollup! for the 2nd PPYCC roller session-this week we will be following one of the BC programs. First one set up gets to chose the music (bring your iPod/phone) & Mark Vincent will be leading the charge on the whistle!
Arrive at 16.00 to set up for a 16.15 start, the session will run until 17.15 allowing 15 minutes for packing up the pavilion. The pavilion is situated beside Preston Park velodrome and accessed from Preston Drove. There is a charge of £4 members / £5 non-members.
What you need: bike [this must be clean], rollers or turbo-trainer [we have some rollers to loan], matt, blanket, towel to cover flooring beneath bike, towel for own use, drink and appropriate clothing for training and leaving in the cold when sweaty.
Free teas and coffee are available for those spectating/chauffeuring.
Spaces are limited so please book by emailing by end of day on Thursday at the latest.