Lee Valley Olympic velodrome opportunity this Saturday 6th [and in the future]

We believe there are still places available at the Lee Valley Velodrome for club members this Saturday. We recently received the message below from SE Development Manager Luke Anderson and have highlighted the key points, though you may be interested in all of Luke’s message.


Dear Go-Ride Clubs,

I am writing to you let you know about our plans to run a Go-Ride club cluster session at the London Olympic Velodrome next year.  We are in the process of setting up a regular Sunday slot on alternate weeks so that all the Go-Ride clubs in the region get an opportunity to let their riders experience the discipline, and gain indoor accreditation.  The idea is that the 34 Go-Ride clubs in the South East will be split into 3 or 4 cluster groups, and rotate around so that each club will have a chance to ride every 6 or 8 weeks.  Go-Ride coaches will lead the planning & delivery which should start in January, and help to bring in new Track qualified coaches to make the sessions sustainable in the long term. Please can you let me know if your club would be interested in taking places on these sessions, or if you have coaches keen on supporting.

We have been given a one off opportunity to have a trial run, on the 6th September 12:15-15:15 on the last S.E regional track experience slot.  Clubs who had not taken up any of the places available from the Regional Track Experience sessions have been given a week to enter in advance of others, now the entry is open to all on first come first served basis.  There are approx 16 places still available.

I would like to ask you to share this invite with your club members, and if possible encourage riders who are new to the discipline to take part, rather than already experienced trackies.  We would love to have a coach from the invited clubs come along on the 6th, to observe / help out with the session and discuss future plans with the clusters.

Please see the link for the online entry page.  Riders must be British Cycling members, and be 12 – 18 years old.  https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/events/details/118069/S-E-region-Go-Ride-Track-Cluster