International Festival of Sport 27th Saturday June

Hi all, [this is a long one]

VC Jubilee and Preston Park Youth cycling clubs together with BikeIt are helping promote cycling at the huge International Festival of Sport taking place in Preston Park on 27th June 2009 from 12-5pm, with the aim to get more people more active more often. Our normal cycling club session will be here on Saturday morning from 10am getting ready for this event. I would encourage you and your family to come and participate in the day to see all the other activities that are on as well, it was great fun last year.

We’d really like to ask everyone we know, members, parents, volunteers and coaches support on the day to put on 2 separate activities in the park, to help promote both our clubs and cycle sport.

One event will be based at the track and will allow participants to try track riding on fixed wheel bikes, in a controlled manner. It is envisaged to group participants who then have a briefing with a coach and then a set time on the track, there will perhaps be 2 or 3 groups on the tack at a time. Some activities in the track centre may be organised whilst waiting.

The other event will be a Go-Ride skills area set up just in the Park below the track, so that participants can be easily directed to try the track sessions too. This part of the park will be where all the other main events and activities will take place. We’ll also have the support of Bike It officers at this activity too who will also be promoting their cycling to schools and BikeIt schemes.

There are a number of important jobs and roles to be filled to ensure the event goes smoothly and safely, and ensuring we follow our own British Cycling guidelines for these sorts of activities/events.

If you are in a position to volunteer some help for the day, this would be great.

Some jobs at the track area would be:

Refreshments, sweepers, bike checkers, setups, stakes/tapes, signage, lead coach, coaches, access control gate, sign on, setting up and coaching grass activities, marshals, set up participants on bikes/helmets, volunteers to support each coach, organiser of groups, tidy up, etc

Some jobs at the skills area would be:

Set up, stakes/tape, clean area, signage, lead coach, coaches, bike checker, sign on, set up participants on bikes, access control, volunteers to support activites ie pick up bottles, reset limbo etc, tidy up, etc

Obviously this is quite a long day, so rotating some of these jobs and having more than one/two people for each will be required, so please let me know what you can and when you can do anything, its much appreciated.

We may finish earlier than this as, another organisation City Synergy would like use of the track for the last hour, however they would like our help too. They provide blind and visually imparied people opportunity to ride, and would like help with stokers for tandems and to borrow tandems if anyone has any. Please let me know if you are able to help with this too.

There may also be a run going on around the outside of the track at somepoint during the day too. Of primary importance to me is the safety of our volunteers, equipment and anyone that takes part in our activites or getting to our activities, so hopefully with enough volunteers and support the day we should be able to achieve this and cover all the jobs I haven’t yet thought of.

The event was visited by tens of thousands of people last year, so a good opportunity for some publicity for both clubs.

Look forward to hearing from you soon. I’m attending the next planning meeting on 21st May and would need to provide some feedback as to how we are planning on supporting our activites at that time.

Please see: for more info