Inner and Outer Ring pre-registration is open for Saturday 8th August

You can pre-register online using the links below. British Cycling rules now allow a maximum of 30 people per session, so we have set 25 rider spaces each at Inner Ring and Outer Ring which allows for 5 coaches/helpers to also be on-site.

Inner Ring pre-registration

Outer Ring pre-registration

Please note that pre-registration closes 9pm Friday night so that we can print out attendee lists for Saturday morning.

If your session is full then please do add yourself to the waiting list and if a place comes up, we’ll get in touch.

Cash-only payment please

We are still doing cash-only payment, please bring correct change, thankyou.

Kit sales

We have a sample of jersey sizes at the track in the sign-on shed, we cannot allow anyone to try things on due to Covid, but you are very welcome to view the sizes. For purchases please contact Ian Baynes via