The weather is looking lovely for the Saturday morning sessions this weekend, please ensure riders bring drinks and a snack, and apply sunscreen if necessary. There are still a few Inner Ring places left, we also added another coach for Outer Ring so there are now a few more places there too.
Remember there is no toolkit / trackpump sharing for the time being, so please ensure bikes are checked beforehand and tyres are pumped up.
Ian Baynes will be running a pop-up shop at the end of Inner Ring / start of Outer Ring. Due to Covid restrictions, riders won’t be able to try kit on at this time unfortunately, but Ian will bring a selection of jerseys down in different sizes to display on hangers so you’ll get a sense for sizing.
Finally, the card reader has not arrived yet I’m afraid, so we will be cash only. Please bring correct change if you can.
Thanks and we look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!