Info for tomorrows sessions

The weather is looking a bit showery tomorrow, please ensure riders bring a rain jacket, as well as the usual drink and a snack. Both sessions were full but we have added another coach to each session which allows us 5 more riders at both inner and outer ring so if you haven’t booked yet you can still do so.

Check your bikes over

Remember there is no toolkit / trackpump sharing for the time being, so please ensure bikes are checked beforehand and tyres are pumped up.

Cash-only payment please

Please remember, we are still cash-only payment, please bring correct change, thankyou.

Kit sales

We are now keeping a sample of jersey sizes at the track in the sign-on shed, we cannot allow anyone to try things on unfortunately due to Covid, but you are very welcome to view the sizes. For purchases please contact Ian Baynes via

British Cycling guidelines

Those of you who are British Cycling members may have spotted that BC issued some updated guidance on club activities and group numbers yesterday. We are not adjusting our Saturday arrangements just yet, until we have been through the new guidance in detail.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!