Free Membership for Parents

We have a fantastic offer for new members. If your child is a new member of PPYCC this year then we have funding from the Kellogg’s ‘Get the Balance Right’ fund to fund one parent to join the club for each child who joins; and they have given us enough funding for 10 memberships. This may not sound very special when you consider that club membership is free, however you also have to be a British Cycling member to join PPYCC and for adults a silver membership costs £22 and that is what we are offering to cover. Kellogg’s feel that involving children in sport is important for their health and life opportunities and research shows that when parents are also involved in sport children are more likely to stay active as they get older.

 Apart from benefitting your children your membership will also allow you to wear the fantastic strip of PPYCC and, perhaps more importantly, give you third party liability insurance and legal advice and support amongst other various benefits.

 To benefit from this offer just join up to BC on line and we will refund the first 10 adult memberships.


ps. If you wish to go for gold membership then we will refund £22 of the cost.