Distance challenges over next 2 weeks

The next two weekends we will be running Distance Challenge sessions. These are at your normal session times and are on road bikes.

Outer Ring on Saturday 29th March

Inner Ring on Saturday 5th April

For those who haven’t taken part in a Distance Challenge before it’s a time trial on the track where we set the riders off individually at 30 second intervals and they complete a set number of laps in as short a time as possible. We try to run 3 per season as this gives riders a useful benchmark to track their progress over time, and also counts towards our Most Improved Rider awards at the end of the season. Previous results and more information are available on our Distance Challenge web page.

Time trial bikes are allowed, as are clip-on tri-bars, but riders must not ride in a bunch during warm-up or warm-down if they choose to use them. Riders should ensure their bike is fully prepared before arriving as the coaches are not here to fix tri-bars on your bike.

Please just turn up to your usual session at your usual time, and the coaches will organise things from there.

Distances are as follows:

U8 (born 2016/17) – 6 laps

U10 (2014/15) – 12 laps

U12 (2012/13) – 18 laps

Outer Ring riders – 10 miles (27.75 laps) or 18 laps.

Please don’t get the dates mixed up! It’s at Outer Ring tomorrow (Saturday 29th March) and at Inner Ring next weekend (Saturday 5th April).

Please make sure riders have a drink, snack and sun screen (we live in hope!).

Following each session, results will be available within 48hrs on our Distance Challenge web page.