Call for parent-marshals for April sessions

It’s nearly time! We can’t wait to see everyone back at the track on on Saturday 3rd April and hope you are all as excited as we are to be going back!

Some detailed information on social distancing and hygiene will be circulated to all members next week. Restrictions are not as tight as when we returned from the first lockdown back in July 2020 but there will still be some basic social distancing and hygiene rules to follow. More on that next week.

It’s been great to see the velodrome and cricket pitch being heavily used throughout the winter season by the community, particularly on weekends – cricketers, runners, cyclists, skateboarders, roller skaters, you name it! Last year we put up notices on all the gates giving the community a few weeks notice that the venue will be closed from 9-12 on Saturday mornings and this worked really well, so we have done the same again this year. Many thanks to Pete Levenspiel for sign printing and fixing up. No doubt there will be a few people who don’t read the notices so we would be really grateful for some parent-volunteers at both Inner and Outer Ring sessions who would be able to don a hi-viz jacket and act as friendly marshals around the perimeter to deter potential fence jumpers. This will allow the coaches to focus all their attention on running safe and fun skills sessions for the riders and as such will be hugely appreciated.

If you are willing to help then no need to do anything in advance, please just let Daisy or Andy know at sign-on and we will be able to allocate you a position. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you all very soon!