Hello all,
I’d like to bring to your attention 2 articles that have just gone live on the BC website. The first is the selection criteria for the UK school games in May this year.
Members may be interested to see what you need to do to ride at a regional level and to join the SE Academy or race in the School Games. If so please look at these articles on the BC website.
South East Region announces selection process for UK School Games – http://www.britishcycling.org.uk/track/article/tra20120203-track-South-East-Region-announces-selection-process-for-UK-School-Games-0
For 2012, the UK School Games is a 3 day event, with 2 days on the road at Hog Hill, and 1 day at the London Velodrome, just weeks before the Olympic games! It would be a shame if riders missed out by not hearing about it.
South East Cycling Academy to be formed to nurture next generation of riders – http://www.britishcycling.org.uk/road/article/roa20120203-road-South-East-Cycling-Academy-0.
The South East Cycling Academy is now finally launching, with the first session taking place on February 18th. This is a fantastic opportunity for the regions riders and Go-Ride club coaches to pool together to help develop the level of competitive riders in the region. There will be a full programme of events throughout the year for MTB, track and Road/Circuit. More information forthcoming soon!