Thursday’s bike ride 4th August
If you are coming tomorrow you should bring a little money for an ice lolly, if the weather holds, or a hot chocolate if it rains [which is what the forecast suggests].
If you are coming tomorrow you should bring a little money for an ice lolly, if the weather holds, or a hot chocolate if it rains [which is what the forecast suggests].
To encourage our older members to race more widely this year we introduced an incentive; any Youth A, B or C members who race in 5 counting events can qualify for a free piece of kit of their choice. In addition to the listed events members can ride events from races at any of the…
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Anthony Rogers is selling his track bike from last season. This bike was brand new last season and has been raced on about 12 times at Preston Park and trained on about three times. It is a red, silver and black 54cm aluminium frame with carbon forks and a brand new chainset. It has a…
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We are riding a bit further and a bit earlier on Thursday, leaving the park at 11.00. The route is being created by Josh Fanner and will be about 30 miles. Please let Anthony know in advance if you are taking part so that he can check the numbers are manageable. Check the FAQs…
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I can only ride from 16.30 to 18.30 tomorrow. Please would anyone let me know if they can make this. Also Josh Fanner has suggested going on some holiday rides, similarly let me or Josh know if you would like us to organise this.
PPYCC have booked in to the Youth Hostel at Burley in the New Forest for a weekend of mountain biking fun on the Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th September. All are welcome, members, family and friends but we need to know if there are enough people to continue with the booking and so need responses…
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Saturday 30th July: We will mountain biking at Stanmer Park. Meet at 09.45 for a 10.00 departure, bring subs, bike, helmet, drink and snack. Parents and friends welcome. We meet at the lower entrance, southern side, off the A270 by the new road to the Amex Stadium. ps. Today’s distance challenge times are on the…
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Remember this Thursday we have John Scripps, SE Talent Manager, visiting to join us for a short road ride and then run a roller session. Please notify in by tomorrow night at the track if you need to borrow rollers to join in. Anthony
The rain, wind and worsening forecast have caused us to cancel this morning’s session. Apologies if we did not announce this early enough for some early attenders.
Thursday 14th July: Watch the calendar for the road ride as we are unsure if it will take place. Members Josh Fanner, Gabriel Parle, Josse Hunter and Josh AJ will be taking part in a Cycling Award for Young Volunteers with Anthony and Roy Page. We will let you know if we are able to…
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