Author: Anthony Rogers

Coming up Sunday 17th November

We are running a road ride for our road ride group leaving PP track at 09.30 [leaving, not meeting]. writing a research paper Please check the route on the Winter Training page under ‘Useful Information’ on our website.  

PPYCC visit Le Tour in Yorkshire

See the PPYCC at Le Tour flyer to find out more about our planned trip to the Tour de France next July. Though some way off early expression of interest is needed if you wish to join our party of PPYCC friends and families. Register interest via the details on the flyer by the end of…
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Winter Road Ride Week 2

Our next road ride for older members is now published in the Winter Training section, a subsection of  ‘Useful Information, of our website. Meet at Preston Park at 09.30 for an 09.45 departure.  

Well done to our RSR nominees

We are pleased to announce that both Olivia Chadwick and Noah Ridgeway Brown have been selected for the next RSR [Regional School of Racing] which takes place at Newport Velodrome. Well done to them both for getting recognised at the next level of cycle sport.  

Roller training Saturdays starts this weekend

Roller sessions start this weekend. We are planning a two hour session divided into two, by ability. However everyone should turn up at 15.00 for the first session which is led by Regional Talent Coach John Scripps. Although scheduled for 2 hours we are likely to finish the first session at around 90 minutes. Key…
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Winter cycling with Preston Park YCC update

We have a new section under development on our website outlining some of the local opportunities for members over winter. To find the page, from our homepage, go to ‘Useful Information’ and the bottom link ‘Winter training.’  

PPYCC road rides switch to Sundays

Our road rides for older members are switching to Sunday mornings. We are still thinking about how to organise winter road rides so let us know your thoughts. Sunday 3rd November. Meet at 09.30 at the track, with some laps of the track before leaving at 10.00 for a two hour ride.The aim is to…
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Children’s cycle clothing for sale at pedal

Anthony will have children’s cycle clothing for sale at Pedal in Preston Park from 12.00 to 13.00. You can view the items here and try them  for size on the day.  

RSR news and nominations

Noah Ridgway Brown took part in the winter track season RSR last weekend and new nominations are needed by Monday 28th for the next of these. If you fulfill the criteria previously posted for RSR 1 then please put yourself forward by email to Anthony. John Scripps, regional talent manager tells us that at RSR…
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Pedal in Preston Park this weekend

Our club session on Saturday is riding laps and raising money for Pedal in Preston Park charities MNDA and Martlets Hospice. We are keen to see club riders ride for as much of the two hours as they can and hope that even small riders will manage 60 laps, or 20 miles, over the two…
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