Author: Anthony Rogers

Lee Valley Velodrome 24th June 09.00 to 11.00

We still have some places left for our visit to Lee Valley velodrome, with Brighton Tri, on 24th June, this is for Outer Ring riders only [interested parents may express interest too]. We particularly welcome enquiries from members who have not had many opportunities to visit the track in the past. Please email for…
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Outer Ring on Saturday 2nd June

Thanks must go to William Binks who wrote in to ask if we can do a Distance Challenge in the Outer Ring, …and so next Saturday the 2nd June is a distance challenge on road bikes. Distance challenge needs plenty of helpers to record the progress of riders around the track, one way to do…
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Charity ride starting at Rayment Cycles

We have been notified of a challenging charity road ride starting on our door step at Rayment Cycles and finishing on Hove seafront. The ride is in aid of the Treehouse Project’, to build an outside space for the profoundly disabled patients at Holy Cross Hospital in Haslemere, and is 130km in distance. Entry includes many…
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Opportunity to ride at the London Olympic Velodrome at Lee Valley.

PPYCC Coaches are running a velodrome session at the Lee Valley velodrome, for Brighton Tri club, on Sunday 24th June from 09.00 to 11.00. There are 7 spaces for PPYCC riders who wish to join in. This session would particularly suit riders who have ridden indoors before but wish to become more confident in their…
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Outer ring on Saturday 5th May

Saturday’s forecast is currently hot, hot, hot so consider sunscreen, or light protective clothing from the sun as well as enough to drink. With two weeks to the PPYCC omnium, and after the cancellation of last night’s racing due to a damp track, we have a guaranteed opportunity to practice some of the themes that…
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When Anime meets Bradley Wiggins you get ‘Hill Climb Girl’

Anime is Japanese animation, Manga are Japanese comics, both media have honoured cycle sport in their pages. One of the most accessible is Hill Climb Girl; listen as Sir Bradley  offers wise words to Hill Climb Girl, as she tries to beat her nemesis (or fellow student, you decide). [Only if you read French, or…
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Closed Circuit event Preston Park Sunday 18th March **CANCELLED**

Closed Circuit event Preston Park Sunday 18th March **CANCELLED** The SCRL regret to inform you that for safety reasons we have taken the decision to cancel this event due to the ongoing and forecasted poor weather conditions of snow and risk of ice. All those who pre-entered will be contacted accordingly with regards to fees…
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Outer ring – bring your trainers [shoes], if not cancelled

There is still time to cancel this morning’s session due to potentially sever weather. In the absence of cancellation [watch this space] we ask riders to bring a pair of trainers so that they can take part in setting new bench marks for the passage of the Brighton bike share bikes for one lap of…
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The Greater Brighton Cycle Challenge

One for all the family, put it in you diary. Brighton Housing Trust and the Living Coast have combined for a day of cycling fun and challenge with two events. Event 1: The BHT Around the World Cycle Challenge 2018 BHT’s Around the World Cycle Challenge 2018 is a family friendly event taking place the…
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PPYCC member Joseph Martin added to England Talent Squad

With ex-members Felix English racing in the Track World Championships [on your TV this weekend] and Izzy Stone, our recent title banner photo, set to return to Belgium this season, we are pleased to announce that another PPYCC looks set to move up to the international stage in the coming seasons. We are extremely proud…
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