Assen Day 5, The omloop, Kostvlies

The cobbled omloop takes place in the hamlet of Kostvlies about 20km’s from Assen.

It was a very windy day and having ridden the loop the previous day it was easy to see where the wind would of use and where it would be hardest.



The race also included a section of cobbles which although short, was enough to sap every ounce of energy.




Freddie got a good start and stayed with a second bunch to eventually finish in 36th place with Josh following in  54th place.

Luke’s race was over 22km of the same loop.  He put i a fantastic effort to finish 32nd.


Here’s a slightly shakey video of the whole cat 7 group of motorcycles, cars and cyclist passing on the corner to the cobbles. Assen Omloop 2017