AGM and Awards on Sat 18th November

Our AGM and Awards is on Saturday 18th November. It’s a 3pm start and will finish at 5pm, and is held at Knoyle Church Hall on Knoyle Road, just round the corner from the track. The AGM part takes no more than 30 minutes, this will include short updates from the chair and treasurer followed by the election of committee members for 2024. We recognise that this is the boring bit for younger members so we always rattle through it pretty quickly and get on to the fun stuff!


The three Officer roles being elected are Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and the additional Management Committee roles being elected are Membership Secretary, Welfare Officer and Deputy Welfare Officer. We do have nominations already, but it’s important to know that anyone involved with the club is welcome to also put themselves forward, it is very much the case of many hands make light work when it comes to running the club! If you’re interested, please feel free to speak to any of the existing committee members to chat about any of the roles.

I am happy to stand for re-election as Chair but this is a role that really should change every 4-5yrs at most so that the club keeps moving forwards and fresh ideas can come through, so I am looking for someone to handover to next year and maybe do a co-chair role with for 2024. This should be someone from the existing volunteer community who has some understanding of how the club is run, it’s an incredibly rewarding role and not massively time consuming provided you can delegate well!

Fun stuff

Following the election we have a variety of fun activities led by various members of the coaching and volunteering team, and of course the award presentations!

Cycling quiz – we will test your cycling knowledge, with prizes for the winners.

Updates from the coaching team – an update about achievements beyond the track such as regional and national race performances from PPYCC riders, and what some of our ex-members have been doing since moving on from PPYCC into the junior and professional ranks.

Raffle – Tickets are £1 each or £5 a strip. As always there will be prizes galore including cycling kit and accessories.  

Awards presentation with over 40 medals, 10 trophies/shields, 5 signed framed jerseys and numerous skills certificates which collectively recognise the amazing achievements of our riders.

Plus we will have the kit shop with new PPYCC club kit and not to mention loads of second hand gear. And of course we’ll have a well stocked kitchen for all your tea and cake needs.

Please do consider donating a homemade cake if you are able, please just bring it with you on the day.

All proceeds raised from the raffle, club kit and kitchen will go to the club. If you have your own bike for sale, you’re welcome to bring it along and find a space for it, but please be aware that the club cannot take responsibility for the security of bikes for sale.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Please return last years awards

Those with shields, trophies and framed jerseys from last year please return these at a Saturday session or arrange to drop off with a coach or committee member by end of October at latest as we need to get them off to the engravers to have this years winners added!

Final session is Saturday 28th October

Finally, our last session of the season will be Sat 28th October. We usually have a Halloween theme for this session and do a prize for the best outfit or face-paint! The coaches will then go into hibernation and the club will return on the first Saturday in March 🙂