‘Try the Track’ sessions start Wednesday 26th March

Hi All,

The ‘Try the Track’ sessions start tomorrow [26th March] from 6pm to 7pm for youth riders only but with all bike types being allowed [though not all at once]. From April 2nd we have three consecutive Wednesday sessions for both youth and adult riders who are racing on fixed wheel track bikes. The times for these sessions will be from 6pm to 8 pm. All four sessions will be run by BC Coach John Scripps and there will be a charge to all participants of £1.

We hope to see you there.


Ps. It is worth noting that if clearly wet then track racing does not take place. Also that the evenings even when good, get cold quickly.

Pps. If you are new to the club then please note that throughout the summer from Wednesday 23rd April to late August there is track racing for both youth and adult riders at Preston Park starting at 6.45pm. Many of our riders join in this racing which is very sociable. Many family members like to watch, relaxing on the grass and consuming vast quantities of the home made cake and cups of tea which are on sale.

Tel. 07505 145233 Anthony
