Roller/turbo training starts this Saturday 8th November.
Arrive at 16.00 to set up for a 16.15 start, the session will run until 17.15 allowing 15 minutes for packing up the pavilion. The pavilion is situated beside Preston Park velodrome and accessed from Preston Drove.
Their is a charge of £4 members / £5 adults and non-members.
We are not sure that the pavilion is large enough for our needs so please inform Mark by emailing to inform us of your intention to attend so that we can manage the space best.
It is absolutely essential that you do not bring a dirty bike into the pavilion so please clean your bike in advance. Also you must have a cover to place between your trainer and the pavilion carpet. This could be a cheap mat, a carpet off-cut, or at the very least a bath towel. Also please clean your shoes on the door mat upon entry.
We have invested in the Suffer Fest video training programmes and new projector equipment to allow this to happen so please come and attend.