PPYCC is British Cycling’s Club of the Year 2009

We are delighted to announce that PPYCC is British Cycling’s Club of the Year 2009, which means we have been Club of the Year two years in a row, making us ‘club of the years.’ We achieved this accolade by having the largest growth in youth cycling of any cycle club throughout the whole country. Anthony was able to collect the award, a solid silver trophy, and framed certificate at the Go Ride Club Conference. Coaches had noticed an increase in numbers last season but little did we know it would prove to be so meaningful allowing us this success. We get to keep our fine trophy for a year but of course have no club room. If you would like to play host, in your home, to the trophy for part of this time  please let us know. We will publish a photo soon.

ps. the trophy is valuable and insured so needs no special precautions other than being loved, kept safe and shiny.