PPYCC goes to Mildenhall National Grass Track Championships for the August Bank Holiday

By Bridget Allen – Your Mildenhall correspondentThe first PPYCC campers arrived at Mildenhall on Friday afternoon when quickly tents were pitched and  dinner materialised thanks to our very own quartermaster and chef Mark (Anderson). Saturday morning was a family mountain bike to Thetford forest led by Anthony despite being a fun event, competition to stay in the front was hot between Evelyn (Parle) and the young Mustins (Zach and Louis). Saturday also saw Brock competing in the youth  grass track events.Brock pensively preparing for a big final !! Brock thoughtful at the start line.Each afternoon the younger children took part in sports on the track; running, sack and obstacle races, and over the weekend we had medalists in nearly all the age catagories, these races were the highlight of the weekend for some of the younger children. They also enjoyed the free bouncy castle, face painting and puppet show keeping them busy so their parents could enjoy the track racing. Saturday evening we had a great BBQ – thanks Mark.Sunday morning was the cyclo cross event first to go were Joe (Hill) and Cory (Anderson) who came a brillliant 5th and 6th in the under 10s.ppycjc.jpgCory and Joe looking relaxed after the cyclo cross event.Next up were the seniors who ride the cyclo cross as a madison ( in pairs) this saw Anthony (Rogers) riding with his daughter Theo, Andy (Parle) riding with his son Gabriel, Tim Hill riding with Tim Mustin and Brock (Duncomb-Rogers) riding with Neil (MacClelland) The course incorporated the grass track and then disappeared off into some woodland ajoining the campsite. The PPYCC fan club positioned themselves in the wood with a good view of crashes into trees and fallings off (yes, we saw you Anthony and Tim M). The riders did laps of the course changing team member each lap it was fairly difficult to tell where ever one was once the race got going but everyone had good fun and it is fair to say the Brock and Neil were our fastest riders..ppycctheocross.jpg.Theo expertly negociating the cyclo cross course.ppycctmcc.jpg Tim Mustin enjoying the cyclocrossSunday afternoon and the seniors were racing again on the grass track, various events including the World Championships of the Hoop Race, only ever run at Mildenhall, it’s a bit like musical chairs  with no music and no chairs – plastic hoops. Riders circle the track until the whistle blows and then they have to get their back wheel in a hoop. Only one rider per hoop and you can’t go backwards if you over shoot you have to go round again. Gradually hoops are removed and with them riders until there is a winner. It seemed that a lot of cheating was required to suceed in this event. Watch out maybe we will see this event at Preston Park.ppycckids.jpg.Gabe, Theo, Lois, Joe, Niamh, Cory and Joe enjoying watching the racing.Sunday evening and after several servings of pasta and homemade rattouille sauce (yum yum) twelve of us set off to take part in the Mildenhall Rally pub quiz held at the cricket club next door to the campsite. I’d like to report that at least one of our three teams figured in the top five but sadly not; dead politicians not our strong suit.Monday our last day and the big event the team pursuit last year our team of Brock, Anthony, Catherine and Andy came  third so we had a position and our reputation to defend. This year sadly no Catherine she had to go home on Sunday night so Tim Mustin bravely stepped forward to fill the vacant fourth spot in the team.ppyccbums.jpg The Start.   ppycctp4.jpg Go PPYCC GoEveryone was anxious as we drew Mildenhall CC – the host club and previous winners for the heats ( fastest four teams to race for the medal positions) The boys did brilliantly towed round by Brock they placed the fourth fastest time and put out Mildenhall CC. So the race for the bronze medal was against Maldon CC who had posted the third fastest time, race faces on the boys went for it. Tim bravely hanging in for four laps and then letting the others go for the line sadly they didn’t quite make it but they gave Maldon a good race and it was a great result. WELL DONE.So then all that remained was to pack up and go home, tired and smelly having had a thoroughly enjoyable bank holiday weekend. Hope to see you there in 2009 !!What I liked best about Mildenhall:Lois  (age 9) ” My favourite thing was the running races, I won a gold medal.”Evelyn  (age 6) “I liked bouncing on the bouncy castle and eating ice creams.”Gabriel  (age 12) ” The best thing was doing the madison cyclo-cross with my Dad.”Theo  (age12) ” I really enjoyed doing the cyclo cross with my Dad.”Brock (age 15)  “The grass track was amazing, it was the highlight of my year.”Cory (age 8)  “I really enjoyed the duathalon, the cyclo-cross and the kids races.”Niamh (age 12) “Kids sports, they were great.”Dymphna ” I really enjoyed the family ride in Thetford forest.”Tina “I liked eating all the home made cakes.”Bridget “Mark’s cooking.”Andy “The hoop race.”Happy Campers  Happy CampersTo see more photos of the weekend Click here