
Cyclo-Cross Training at Waterhall

This will recommence after the half term holiday on Tuesday 4th November. [Dress warmly]

Inter-club at Goodwood Results

If you remember the sunshine at the Goodwood races a few weeks ago you may also remember that the event was part of an Inter-club event. These are events aimed at the dozen or so Go Ride clubs in the S.E. There are 10 events from now until next August and after the first event…
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PPYCC at Goodwood Races

If you had been one of the gamblers that visit the horse racing at Goodwood you would have done well to have put your money on Preston Park YCC riders this weekend. Indeed the owners of Goodwood Motor Racing Circuit, where the racing took place, must have been pleased with the state we left things…
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Details of a new cycle coaching website from Lee Povey

Press release    I am proud to announce the creation of Performance Cycle Coaching.   Having coached as a hobby for over 15 years I am finally turning my passion into my full time job.   I have taken riders to National and International titles and have a wealth of experience especially in track racing,…
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Haloween Night Ride Fun

VCJ would like to invite PPYCC riders and coaches to the following: ALL invited to a NIGHT FRIGHT RIDE on Wednesday 29th October from 6.30pm from the AOAC. Please dress up as scarey as you can, bring some lights, and we’ll go for a night fright ride and see what we find on our way. We’ll…
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Coming up Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th October

Saturday: We are mountainbiking with VC Jubilee from the Adur Outdoor Activity Centre [AOAC] on Saturday, arrive before 09.45 for a 10.00 departure. You can find the AOAC by driving west over  the Norfolk Bridge on the river Adur  in the centre of Shoreham. The centre can then be accessed by the first turning on the…
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Preston Park YCC is Brighton and Hove City Club of the Year 2008

At the very first Brighton and Hove City Sports Awards Preston Park Youth Cycle Club were pleased to find themselves nominated in the Club of the Year category. The awards were organised by Brighton and Hove City Council’s Sports Development Team and hosted by DC Leisure the comapany that manage the city’s leisure centres. Assembling at Brighton Race…
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Here is an exciting half term cycling opportunity with British Cycling

Bedgebury Flyer FOR ATTENTION OF PARENT/GUARDIAN Hi all, Apologies for the later notice on this one…. Please find attached a booking form for a programme I am running at Bedgebury forest on 27th-28th October. This will consist of 2 days of mountain biking skills sessions for all abilities aged 9-16. Please note for this programme…
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Coming up Saturday 6th October

Get down early [09.30] for the road ride if you are 12 or over and have parental permission for this. Make sure you bring the right kit and clothing. For under 12s we will have a regular session at the track. Fingers crossed for continuing good weather.

Coming up this Saturday 27th [change of programme]

This Satarday is a MTB ride at Stanmer Park. Meet on the left once through the main entrance at 09:45. Family and friends are welcome to join in.