Thanks to all of the riders and parent/guardian volunteers for making last year at PPYCC a memorable year, we hope your child is looking forward to the coming season in 2025. The first Saturday session will be on 1st March 2025, your child will remain in the same group unless you have been contacted separately to discuss moving up to Outer Ring.
It is that time of year when we request the annual membership fee, this year we will be collecting the fee via a platform called SPOND for the first time. SPOND offers a number of benefits over the previous system, PPYCC will update the British Cycling website so that it reflects club membership for riders. Membership runs from 1st March each year, which is the start of our club season and all memberships runs until the end of February of the following year.
Annual membership renewal fees must be paid by 1st March each year. Our current membership costs were substantially reduced in 2022 in response to the cost of living crisis and these prices are being retained for the foreseeable future. The annual fee for individual members is £15 per year, after which any additional siblings are £5 a year (there is an additional transaction fee of less than £1).
You will be shortly emailed a link to the SPOND form that you need to complete ahead of making payment for the 2025/26 season, you will need to complete the form once for each child. On the first page you need to select the member type, with the option to select additional family member to only be charged the reduced fee of £5 per year.
By completing the renewal form via SPOND you are consenting to that data being stored on the SPOND platform, information in respect of the security of SPOND, GDPR, privacy and DPA can be found at https://help.spond.com/app/en/collections/194806-gdpr-privacy.
After completing the form and making the annual payment you will be sent a further email giving you the option to join the SPOND app, PPYCC will be using the app as a club management tool. For example to provide details of events, Saturday sessions, request volunteers when needed and for attendance.
Also, don’t forget that all riders need to have current membership for a National Governing Body, either British Cycling or British Triathlon, as membership includes personal liability insurance which we consider a necessary requirement for club membership.
Any questions then please post on the PPYCC Whatsapp group chat or you can email John Rockliffe who is the club Membership Secretary at membership@ppycc.org.uk.