Level 1 Coaching Course Opportunity [update]

For anyone interested in taking a Level 1 Coaching Course;

 I can now confirm the [revised] dates for our Level 1 Coaching Course. These are Saturday 23rd May and Saturday 20th June. What you need to do now is: 

  1. Confirm with me you are able to take part.
  2. Complete the paper work and send it to British Cycling. *
  3. Let me know when you have sent off your paperwork so that we can send the payment.
  4. Let me know if you need to take part in a first aid course.

 Best wishes Anthony  * You will have to be a member of British Cycling. If you have never joined BC before and you are a member of a club, then this is free. If you are a lapsed member, then you will need to pay to rejoin. If you have never been a BC member and are not a member of a cycling club then you can join PPYCC at the same time [this is also free].