Dave Gerrey from VC jUbilee has invitied PPYCC members to join VC Jubilee for an evening talk from Luke Anderson. Regional Manager for British Cycling, to give an informatiave talk about training and racing opportunities within British Cycling, and with regional clubs across the South East. For those who are new to racing and interested in taking part, to those who want to develop their training and racing opportunities regionally, then this is a really good opportunity to understand some of the opportunities and pathways. Please email Dave at the address below if ou would like to attend. Dave writes the following:
“Many of you will have heard the coaches and other riders mentioning RSRs.
- What are they? They are Regional School of Racing and are discipline specific sessions run by British Cycling as part of the pathway they offer for rider development.
- How do riders get a place on them?Well that has changed over the last few years, whereas in the past each club could put riders they considered would benefit forward there is now a selection process.
- What are the benefits? These are a series of sessions coached by British Cycling coaches with the target of preparing riders to progress onto national development schemes and targeting the Olympic Development squad etc .
- Are there any other Schemes on offer? Yes there are now cluster sessions etc. and BC are keen to find out what riders want.
That’s just a few of the questions and my best stab at answers but the truth is I haven’t got my head around exactly what British Cycling has to offer to our riders so we have arranged for the Regional Development Officer for the South East, Luke Anderson, to come down to Shoreham and give us (that’s coaches, members and parents) a talk and some of his time for questions and answers.
This will be our Wednesday evening session next week on the 9th March at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, Sullington Way, Shoreham, BN43 6PJ starting at 7 pm and running through to 9. The plan is to have the talk up until 8 then whilst riders who want can join in the turbo session (hopefully we will have room) the rest of us will have an hour to chat with Luke on an informal Q&A basis. Light refreshments on offer. I would encourage all members and parents to come along and find out how to access the facilities and experience of British Cycling. You don’t have to be aiming as high as the Olympics, just getting a bit more out of your sport. It is also an opportunity to let them know what you want. Please do make an effort to come along, I appreciate it is short notice but really worthwhile. It would help planning if you could let me know if you are intending to come but not an essential.
Dave Gerrey
Club Contact – VC Jubilee
Mailto: contact@vcjubilee.co.uk
07808 061805