Outer Ring Saturday 11th May
With our own promotion in the SE Youth Omnium Series on Sunday we will be focusing on not wearing out any of our riders who are competing and so will be using track bikes but focusing on skills, most notably sprinting.
With our own promotion in the SE Youth Omnium Series on Sunday we will be focusing on not wearing out any of our riders who are competing and so will be using track bikes but focusing on skills, most notably sprinting.
Club parent Simon Tamplin needs some help tomorrow morning from 09.00 at the track side from parents who are watching on and waiting for their children during the inner ring and outer ring sessions. Simon is moving one of the shipping containers using a tirfor, no special skills or equipment are needed but a bit…
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With currently a ‘heavy showers’ forecast for Saturday it is unlikely we will be able to use track bikes, even if the day proves fine. Thus, we are going to run a road bike session, so leave your track bikes at home.Come prepared to ride lots of laps, remember your rain coats and of course…
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Last week’s 10 Mile Distance Challenge Times are available on the website under ‘Activities’ in our top menu. If your time is missing it is either because we have made a mistake, or you have yet to pay your annual membership. If we have made a mistake, please let us know. If you have yet…
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We entered an erroneous date on our last post and have now updated that. The post is repeated below. With a change in the Sussex Cycle Racing League format this weekend sees the start of the Outer Ring using track bikes [if the track is dry] and also will be the opportunity to gain accreditation…
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With a change in the Sussex Cycle Racing League format this weekend sees the start of the Outer Ring using track bikes [if the track is dry] and also will be the opportunity to gain accreditation for those new to track racing and those who previously rode on free wheel bikes in the track league.…
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Please come with warm clothing tomorrow as we will ask you to form pairs and for each member of the pair to record the other’s 10 mile TT distance challenge laps. This means that you will have around 40 minutes standing track side recording laps and around 40 minutes of the usual hard work of…
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It is probably fair to say that we have the best crop of racers that the club has ever seen in its 20 years in existence. Further evidence to that case is that PPYCC member Freddie Newman has been invited to join the GB Cycling Team Apprentice Programme. This is a great source of pride for…
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A request to do a distance challenge from William last week is now abandoned due to the continuing poor weather. Instead, we will be continuing with the British Cycling Talent Development programme and practicing Riding in Lines, with a view to sheltering, not being dropped and escaping the wind. We may also extend these skills…
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Preston Park Youth Cycle Club are delighted to receive a grant from the Pride Social Impact Fund. The award for £1000 will enable us to improve access to Preston Park cycle track for our younger members and for those with mobility restrictions. This work could not take place without the much appreciated financial support…
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