We are pleased to report on member’s racing success: for Rahul Fortescue-Talwar winning his group in the winter long Lee Valley Velodrome Track League [see photo below]. Also Cameron Wragg, a new member last season who although only in Year 11 has a birthday meaning he has to enter adult races, and who finished 17th in his first Cat 4 race have taken part in much of the animation of the race. We are pleased Cameroon completed his first race without incident [see a short race report below].
“Cameron’s debut Cat 4 race went well. After a badly marshal’d start he stayed with the lead group all the way round and was only about 30 seconds behind the winner at the end. He was 17th overall, having just fallen off the back of the 16 strong lead group in the final 200m bunch sprint. He was a bit disappointed by the final moments, but did very well racing against all those adults for the first time.
Rahul can be seen at the top of the podium in his leader’s gold [or we think Angel Delight butterscotch flavour] coloured jersey, having been presented with flowers, a plate [to keep], a trophy [to return] and also having won the final race of the season.