With a wet afternoon forecast for tomorrow why not enter our design a logo competition?
Design a logo
PPYCC needs a logo and we have a pair of Lezyne Femto lights and a Raleigh combined track pedal and wheel spanner. These items have a combined value of £37. Please submit your logo on paper, or electronically to Anthony by Saturday August 9th. This competition is open, to members, family and friends. The quality must be good enough for us to reproduce the logo on our club kit and on IT applications. [Update: if you have a strong idea but lack the artistry skills to present it, you may represent your idea and we will get someone to tidy it up.]
Guidance for our logo.
- We are predominantly a youth cycle club.
- We are family oriented.
- We encourage and enjoy successful racing from our members.
- We are based at a velodrome.