At the very first Brighton and Hove City Sports Awards Preston Park Youth Cycle Club were pleased to find themselves nominated in the Club of the Year category. The awards were organised by Brighton and Hove City Council’s Sports Development Team and hosted by DC Leisure the comapany that manage the city’s leisure centres. Assembling at Brighton Race Course we saw many awards delivered to some outstanding individuals and teams who help to deliver community sport across the city. Highly Commended certificates were awarded to a number of clubs and individuals in each of the categories, and there was some disappointment for us as we realised we were not selected for this particular recognition. However as the description of the club winning ‘Club of the Year’ became more indicative of the people and activities of Preston Park Youth Cycle Club any disappointment was replaced by the excitement of being invited on to the stage to be awarded a fine trophy engraved with the words ‘Preston Park Youth Cycle Club, Brighton and Hove City Club of the Year.’
We will bring the trophy to the track prize giving tonight and also to the club on Saturday. There is a special thanks to the clubs coaches, Andy, Anthony and Tim [who collected the award] and also to club member’s Ted and Ben O’Brien’s mum, Emily, who nominated the club for the award. Well done to eveyone who makes a contribution to the club as it the entirety of the efforts which make for a great club and allowed us to win this award.